Sunday 14 September 2014

A spiritual battle ...

I don't know if today has been a good or bad day. It's an ongoing battle ... but that's part of the reason for being here.

We've had 5 new guys coming in since we arrived. The latest arrived two days ago and is withdrawing from heroin.

Each drug or addiction has it's own withdrawal symptoms. Ketamime withdrawal for example can cause severe pain in the kidneys and cause the feeling of needing to go to the loo often. Heroin has probably one of the most painful withdrawals though, as the whole body goes into a kind of shock. The new guy is struggling physically and as a result wants to leave. Unfortunately, despite knowing Jesus, he's is not praying or asking for His help. Three different guys who have got through heroin withdrawal with only prayer have come to encourage him ... but he's rather closed at this point.

The program for the day has gone out the window! Much prayer though!

And now at the close of the day God is good. The battle seems to have been won ... for today. The new guy has had some sleep after 2 nights of not sleeping. Please intercede though as without the person being willing to ask for and accept Jesus help it tends to be harder for them.

Never a dull moment :) ... whats more one of the guys in the house broke his arm playing football yesterday (reminds me of 28 years ago if you are reading Mr Woods!). Jo went to the hospital with one of the boys and nearly got caught in a typhoon! Fortunately it didn't get too bad.

Much love to all!

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